George Smith Flowers

George Smith Flowers

For over thirty years George Smith’s talents have enthralled thousands at the world’s premier floral events in twenty five countries on six continents. Major highlights include the State Garden Club Convention in Boston and three Williamsburg Garden Symposiums in the USA, and visits to Guatemala, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela in Latin America. He has lectured before crowned heads of Europe at the Floralies of Ghent, the Palace of Versailles and the famed International Concours de Bouquet in Monte Carlo, founded by the late Princess Grace and continued by Princess Caroline. In Africa he has made visits to Kenya, Zimbabwe and to South Africa for the 10th World Orchid Congress. New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan are all part of his long distance experiences in the Antipodes and the Orient.

George Smith Flowers has demonstrated at National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies of Great Britain (NAFAS) National Festivals, and is a Special Associate of Honour of the Association, in recognition of the many thousands of pounds he has raised for this charity.

George Smith’s home is this charming Manor House here at Heslington, famous for its three acre garden filled with a wonderful collection of flower arrangers’ plants.He is the author of three books on the art of flower arrangement. His book “George Smith’s Flower Decoration” has been described as a definitive work on the subject from the hands of a master craftsman.

George Smith Flowers

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